
NAT CAT Risk Modeling

We have extensive experience in developing quantitative models to assess potential losses from natural and man-made hazards. We offer both deterministic as well as probabilistic models based on catalogues of historical events, physical processes of hazards, local site conditions, exposures, building and social characteristics and damages in the past.

Our models provide various outputs that are useful for mitigation planning, response planning, insurance rate making, evaluating reinsurance protection covers, etc. Key offerings include.

  • Modeling Hazards
  • Developing Exposures
  • Analyzing Vulnerabilities
  • Risk Assessment

Risk Analytics

GSI has a team of senior analysts from the statistics, mathematics, economics, finance, and engineering disciplines that offer portfolio risk analysis; data mining including spatial and temporal analysis; data cleansing and enhancement, along with development of customized analytical tools. Our services help the insurance, property and the government sector, in managing their portfolio databases and risks.